Guided tour

Irudiaren gainean klikatu eta mugitu museoa 360ºra ikusteko

We offer guided tours showing the roots of the machine tool sector. During the visit, three exhibition areas will show the transformation from artisan processes (14th-19th century) to the industrial processes that emerged in the Lower Deba region from the mid-19th century onwards.

To book a visit, please fill in this form or contact us on (+43) 943 74 84 56 or via

General information about the visit:

  • Group: Maximun 15.
  • Reservation: It is essential to book the visit 7 days in advance.
  • Languages: Basque, Spanish.
  • Price: 5 €/person. Admission + Guided tour.
  • Day of visit: Punctuality is requested. Failure to arrive on time will not extend the visit beyond the agreed time. It is advisable to arrive 10 minutes before the start of the visit.
  • Payment: Payment can be made in person or by bank transfer.

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